Hi! I'm Jen,

Since moving to Esperance, WA in 2022 with my husband and our pug, I've embraced the peaceful, country lifestyle this charming town offers.
Being just a stone's throw from everything and close to my daughter and grandchildren has been wonderful. I cherish the slow-paced, intimate community feel and the precious time spent with family.
Why I Became a Celebrant
While working at Esperance Stonehenge back in 2021, I was giving my spiel on the making of the stones when I mentioned that it was the perfect romantic place for a wedding and that there had been 17 weddings so far.
Some-one asked me if I was the marriage celebrant that done the weddings there, and I laughed and said no, they said I really should think about it as I had a great speaking voice and was very confident with a crowd.
I did look into becoming a celebrant but the 2 year study and the cost just put me off.
In 2022 I was back in South Australia looking after my father for a little while as he was becoming quite ill with Asbestosis.
While I was there we attended a family wedding officiated by a celebrant and my dad said that would be a great thing for you to do, I told him about some-one asking me about it in Esperance and what research I had done and that it was just too expensive for me to consider.
Dad said not a problem you just join up and Ill pay it.
Unfortunately dad passed before I graduated but I did finish and passed with flying colours.
I went on to do the Funeral course too when some-one told me that celebrants were like hens teeth in Esperance and they had to call a celebrant from Perth to officiate funerals here.
I love being in Esperance and this is where my daughter and grandchildren are, I really feel Esperance is great place to get married with all our beautiful beaches and national parks so let’s hope this works out for all.

My Wedding Day